
Configuration-wise, the Centreon CLAPI offers almost all the same features as on the user interface. Installing Centreon BAM adds some functionality to the command line API for manipulating Centreon BAM objects:

  • Add/Delete/Update Centreon BAM objects such as Business Views, Business Activities, KPIs, etc.

  • Export/import Centreon BAM objects.

Basic use

Since actions in Centreon CLAPI will require authentication, commands will always start as follows:

# cd /usr/share/centreon/bin
# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon [...]

The -u option represents the username and -p the password. The password in the database can be in readable-character or encrypted form.


If your passwords are encoded with SHA1 in the database (MD5 by default), use the -s option:

# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -s [...]