Updating and upgrading

Updating from the package

In order to update the Centreon BAM module using an RPM package, execute the following command:

#yum update centreon-bam-server

Alternative: updating from a source package

You can also update the interface using the following package:

  • centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX.tar.gz


Follow the procedure as root user.

Decompress the package and follow the update procedure::

tar zxf centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX.tar.gz
cd centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX/
./install.sh -i

Updating through the interface

Log on to the Centreon web interface and go to the Administration > Extensions menu.

On the line showing Centreon BAM, click on the icon in the Actions column to open the update form:


The click on Upgrade:


Click on Back to finish the update.

The module is now updated.


If the update icon is still present after this task another update is still available. Repeat the same operation until this icon disapears.

Specific task: Updating from Centreon BAM 3.4.x to Centreon BAM 3.5.x

To update to Centreon BAM version 3.5, your Centreon platform must already be in version 3.4 (<=> Centreon WEB >= 2.8, Centreon Engine >= 1.7, Centreon Broker >= 3.0).

After updating Centreon BAM to its latest version from the interface, generates an deploy the configuration, and choose the restart method on your central poller.