Updating and upgrading

1. Update the package

In order to update the Centreon BAM module using an RPM package, execute the following command:

#yum update centreon-bam-server

2. Updating through the interface

Log on to the Centreon web interface and go to the Administration > Manager menu.

Click on the orange button to update the module, do the same for Centreon BAM widget.

Alternative: updating from a source package

You can also update the interface using the following package:

  • centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX.tar.gz


Follow the procedure as root user.

Decompress the package and follow the update procedure::

tar zxf centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX.tar.gz
cd centreon-bam-server-$version$-phpXX/
./install.sh -i

Finish this by updating the module on the interface (section above).