
Advanced configuration

It is possible to overwrite default configuration of the module by creating/editing the /etc/centreon/ file:

%centreon_dsmd_config = (
    # which user will send action to Centcore
    centreon_user => 'centreon',
    # timeout to send command to Centcore
    submit_command_timeout => 5,
    # custom macro used to keep alarm ID
    macro_config => 'ALARM_ID',
    # number of alarms retrieve from the cache for analysis
    sql_fetch => 1000,
    # interval in seconds to clean locks
    clean_locks_time => 3600,
    # duration in seconds to keep locks
    clean_locks_keep_stored => 3600,


Purging cache

All actions performed by the DSMD engine are logged in the database centreon_storage. A cron is provided to delete the data based on retention.

To modify the retention period, by default 180 days, you can create/edit the /etc/centreon/ file:

%centreon_dsm_purge_config = (
    # period in days
    history_time => 180,


To modify the hour of the cron job, you can edit the /etc/cron.d/centreon-dsm file:

# Centreon DSM

30 22 * * * root /usr/share/centreon/www/modules/centreon-dsm//cron/ --config='/etc/centreon/' --severity=error >> /var/log/centreon/centreon_dsm_purge.log 2>&1