

All configuration will occur on the central server.

Declare poller as poller-display-enabled

On the central server, you first need to declare the poller as poller-display-enabled. This can be done thanks to the centreon-poller-display-central module. Go to:

Configuration > Pollers > Poller display

Add your poller to the list of poller-display-enabled pollers and save the changes.


Centreon Broker configuration

Specific Centreon Broker streams configurations are required for the “Poller” server that will host Centreon Poller Display. These streams are configured from the Central server like monitored ressources configuration. Only ACLs, contacts and general options can be configured at the Poller’s end.

It is necessary to setup three Centreon-Broker streams:

  • A “classic” configuration for the streams between Centreon-Broker module on the Poller server and Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) on the Central server
  • A configuration for the stream between Centreon-Broker module on the Poller server and Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) on the Poller server
  • A configuration for the stream between Centreon-Broker module on the Poller server and Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) on the Central server for RRDs files generation

“Poller” Configuration

In the first step you need a classic configuration for your Poller server which can be handled by the wizard. In the menu :

Configuration > Centreon > Centreon-Broker > Configuration > Add with wizard
  • Select Simple Poller option.
  • Click Next.
  • Give a name to your configuration file (We will use “Poller” in our example).
  • Select the desired Requester.
  • Select communication protocol (NDO or BBDO). Protocol must be the same as the one used on the Central.
  • Specify the Central server IP address.

You may not have to proceed with this step if your Poller server is already linked to the Central server.

However you need to configure the stream between Centreon-Broker module on the Poller server and the Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) on the Poller server.

For that, in the Poller configuration, you need to add an IPv4 Output type :


“Poller-Display-Broker” Configuration

The second step is to configure the stream between Centreon-Broker module on the Poller server and Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) on the Poller server. A Centreon-Broker daemon (cbd) is required on the poller to generate datas in centreon_storage database for the Centreon light GUI to work. For that, go to:

Configuration > Centreon > Centreon-Broker > Configuration > Add

And follow the following steps.

Step 1 : General tab


Configure your Broker file.


You must name the configuration of the SQL Broker daemon file on the Poller with the same name of the Central for the init file to work out without any major changes. The name must be Central-Broker.xml even if server is a Poller.

Step 2 : Input tab


Add an IPV4 output type

Step 3 : Logger tab


Add a Logger of File type

Step 4 : Output tab

Now we add several output.

Step 4a : ‘Real time’ database connection


Add a Broker SQL database output type


Warning, Centreon database access is made on the poller. Use the centreon MySQL user credentials of the poller.

Step 4b : data_bin data storage

Add a Perfdata Generator (Centreon Storage) output type



The option Store in performance data in data_bin and Insert in index data must be set to Yes otherwise graphs won’t be generated.

Add an IPV4 output type


Warning, Centreon database access is made on the poller. Use the centreon MySQL user credentials of the poller.

Step 4c : Network stream to the local RRD Broker


Add an IPV4 output type

Step 4d : Network stream to the local MySQL Broker


Add an IPV4 output type

Step 4e : RRD Failover


Add a File output type

Step 4f : SQL Failover


Add a File output type

You can now validate form. Configuration is now Ok for this object.

“Poller-Display-RRD” configuration

This step aims to configure the dedicated stream for RRD’s file generation on the Poller. For this go to :

Configuration > Centreon > Centreon-Broker > Configuration > Add

and follow this steps.

Step 1 : General tab


Configure your Broker file


You must name the configuration of the RRD Broker daemon file on the Poller with the same name of the Central for the init file to work out without any major changes. The name must be Central-rrd.xml even if server is a Poller.

Step 2 : Input tab


Add an IPV4 output type

Step 3 : Logger tab


Add a Logger of File type

Step 4 : Output tab


Add an IPV4 output type

Step 5 : Add a Failover


Add a File output type

You can now validate form. Configuration is done for this object.


On the Central web interface in the menu : Administration > Options > Centstorage > Options, the option Enable resources’s insertion in index_data by Centreon must be checked.

You can now proceed to the next step to apply changes.