


Centreon advises to install the Selenium server on a dedicated poller for web scenarios monitoring and not on an existing monitoring poller. This allows to do not impact monitoring of hosts and services.

Hardware requirements for the server:

  • 6 vCPU 3 GHz
  • 8 Gb RAM
  • a minimum filesystem space of 30 Gb

Software requirements:

  • A monitoring server with Centreon Engine
  • Firefox minimum version or Iceweasel 27.0.1
  • Selenium version 2.40

From packages

Selenium server

This server could be installed on a monitoring poller. If you plan to deploy huge number or complex scenarios, we strongly recommend to use a dedicated server to run Selenium.

If you are using Centreon Enterprise Server. Type the following command to install Selenium-server and all the dependencies needed

# yum install centreon-selenium-server

To start Selenium and xorg-x11-server-Xvfb services use the following commands

# /etc/init.d/xvfb start
# chkconfig --add xfvb
# chkconfig --level 2345 xfvb on
# /etc/init.d/selenium start
# chkconfig --add selenium
# chkconfig --level 2345 selenium on

Centreon Selenium Plugin

If you are using Centreon Enterprise Server with Plugins Pack repository. Type the following commands to install the plugin and associated host/service templates

# yum install ces-packs-applications-selenium
# yum install ces-plugins-applications-selenium


If you do not have the plugin-packs license, please follow installation steps described above in the “From sources >

From sources

Init scripts and variables files needed for the Selenium server are provided in this repository : They are NOT needed when using RPM packaging.

Desktop installation

The desktop is for creating scenarios with Selenium IDE.


  • Start Firefox
  • Go to Selenium download page <>
  • In section Selenium IDE, download the last release of Selenium IDE
  • Validate the XPI
  • Restart Firefox

After the restart of Firefox, you can find the Selenium IDE in “Tools > Selenium IDE”

Selenium server installation

This server runs the Selenium RC server which drives the Firefox browser.


You must verify the compatibility between Firefox and Selenium server. This information is in Selenium server Changelog. For example, if you have Firefox 10 or below, you must use Selenium server version 2.20.0 or below.

Java installation

The minimal Java version is 1.6.

On Debian:

# apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin

On CentOS or CES:

# yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk

For other installation, go to the java site <> and download the JRE.

Virtual X server installation

The Selenium server must run a browser for executing scenarios. An X server must be installed.

For lighter installation, we will use the Framebuffer server (xvfb).

On Debian:

# apt-get install xvfb

On CentOS or CES:

# yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb

To start the server on boot, a script is available in the Git. To install this script, copy the init-xvfb for your distribution into /etc/init.d and the default-xvfb into /etc/default.

To activate this start options:

On Debian:

# chmod a+x /etc/init.d/xvfb
# update-rc.d xvfb defaults
# mkdir -p /usr/local/labkey/

On CentOS or CES:

# chmod a+x /etc/init.d/xvfb
# chkconfig --add xvfb
# mkdir -p /usr/local/labkey/

The configuration variables are:

  • X_SERVER_NUMBER : The X display port
  • FBDIR : The directory for cache framebuffer file

Browser installation

The browser must be a Firefox or Iceweasel.

On Debian:

# apt-get install iceweasel

On CentOS or CES:

# yum install firefox

Selenium server installation

The Selenium server is a JAR archive. We can download this archive from the selenium download page in the “Selenium Server” section. We copy the downloaded archive into a directory and make a symbolic link to make the upgrade easier.


# mkdir /opt/selenium
# cd /opt/selenium
# cp ~/selenium-server-standalone-version.jar /opt/selenium
# ln -sf selenium-server-standalone-version.jar selenium-server-standalone.jar

To start the server on boot, a script is available in the centreon waa source package. To install this script, copy the init-selenium from Git into /etc/init.d and the default-selenium into /etc/default.

To activate this start options:

On Debian:

# useradd -r -s /bin/bash -d /var/run/selenium -m selenium
# mkdir -p /var/log/selenium
# chown selenium: /var/log/selenium
# chmod a+x /etc/init.d/selenium
# update-rc.d selenium defaults

On CentOS or CES:

# useradd -r -s /bin/bash -d /var/run/selenium -m selenium
# mkdir -p /var/log/selenium
# chown selenium: /var/log/selenium
# chmod a+x /etc/init.d/selenium
# chkconfig --add selenium

The configuration variables are:

  • SELENIUM_LIB : The path to the Selenium JAR
  • SELENIUM_PORT : The listening port for Selenium server
  • SELENIUM_LOGDIR : The log directory
  • SELENIUM_PID : The path for PID file
  • SELENIUM_FFPROFILE : The Firefox profile used to run the scenarios
  • X_DISPLAY : The X display port

Centreon WAA Plugin

This check must be installed on the monitoring server (central or poller). We strongly recommend to use a poller

PERL requirements

The list of perl plugins:

  • Getopt::Long
  • Time::HiRes
  • XML::XPath
  • WWW::Selenium

On Debian:

# apt-get install libtest-www-selenium-perl

On CentOS or CES with epel repository:

# yum install perl-Test-WWW-Selenium perl-XML-XPath

With CPAN:

# cpan -i Getopt::Long Time::HiRes XML::XPath WWW::Selenium

Plugin installation

To install the plugin, it is necessary to get Centreon Plugins project.

# cd /tmp
# git clone
# mv centreon-plugins/* /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/

Scenario directory

This check uses a Selenium scenario in HTML format, these scenarios are copied into a directory:

# mkdir /var/lib/centreon_waa
# chown centreon-engine:centreon-engine: /var/lib/centreon_waa