Access control list

Access control lists (ACL) serve to limit users’ access to the web interface Centreon via miscellaneous rules. The ACL are also used to create multiple user profiles making possible to focalise on a precise set of resources.


The management of access checks is a function specific to Centreon, the export of the configuration to the monitoring engine is not necessary to enable them.

Access groups are groups containing the Centreon users. For each access group, it is possible to define three types of access:

  • Access filters to resources serve to limit access to Centreon objects (hosts, services, etc.)

  • Access filters to menus serve to limit access to Centreon menus

  • Access filters on actions serve to limit access to actions that the user can undertake on a monitoring engine or on the resources themselves (program a downtime, stop a monitoring engine, etc.)


A user can belong to several access groups thus making it possible to add together all the access authorizations.

The ACLs respect very strict rules:

  • Centreon administrators are not subject to ACLs (property of the contact).

  • A user (non-administrator) who does not belong to any access group has no right on the monitoring platform (screen empty after logging in).

  • The ACLs are recalculated every minute; this why it is sometimes necessary to wait a few seconds before seeing the change applied to the profile.


The addition of additional modules to Centreon sometimes makes it possible to add additional filters to the access groups. E.g.: Centreon modules BI, BAM and MAP can be subjected to filters.

Access groups

To add an access group:

  1. Go into the menu: Administration ==> ACL

  2. Click on Add


General information

  • The Group Name and Alias fields define the name and the alias of the group

  • The Linked Contacts list can be used to link contacts to the access group

  • The Linked Contact Groups list can be used to link groups of contacts to the access group

  • The Status field can be used to enable or disable the access group


The contact group can be groups coming from the LDAP directory connected to the Centreon interface.

Groups created in Centreon interface should not have the same name as LDAP groups to avoid problems.

Authorizations information

The lists presented in this tab can be used to link the various types of access already created to the access group.

Resources Access

The access filters for the resources serve to limit the viewing of objects (hosts, host groups, services and service groups) to a user profile.

To add resources access filter:

  1. Go into the menu: Administration ==> ACL

  2. In the left menu, click on Resources Access

  3. Click on Add



Once the filters on the resources are set, you can to view the result via the menu: Check User View, next to the add option.

General information

  • The Access list name and Description fields define the name and the description of the filter

  • The Linked groups list can be used to link access groups to this resource filter

  • The Status and Comments fields serve to enable / disable the filter and to comment on it

Hosts Resources

The Hosts Resources tab enables us to add:

  • Hosts

  • Host groups

If the Include all hosts or Include all hostgroups box is checked, all newly created objects will be added to the filter automatically.


It is possible to explicitly exclude hosts from the filter (useful in cases where only 1 or 2 hosts must not be part of the filter) if Include all hosts* or Include all hostgroups options are checked.

Services Resources

The Services Resources tab can be used to add service groups to the filter.

Meta Services

The Meta-Services tab can be used to add meta-services to the filter.


  • The Poller Filter list can be used to select the hosts according to monitoring poller (if none is selected all the pollers are taken into account)

  • The Host Category Filter list can be used to filter the hosts by category

  • The Service Category Filter list can be used to filter the services by category


The filters by poller or by category of object are inclusion filters (UNION). Only the objects belonging to these filters in addition to groups of objects (hosts and services) will be visible.

Actions Access

Filters on actions enable us to limit access to actions that can be effective on resources (hosts and services) and on monitoring engines (stopping notifications, restarting the scheduler, etc.).

To add an access filter to the actions:

  1. Go into the menu: Administration ==> ACL

  2. In the left menu, click on Actions Access

  3. Click on Add

  • The Action Name and Description fields contain the name of the filter and its description

  • The Linked Groups list serves to associate an access group to the filter

The table below describes the general access functionalities:


Associated actions

Display Top Counter

The monitoring overview will be displayed at the top of all pages

Display Top Counter pollers statistics

The monitoring poller status overview will be displayed at the top of all pages.

Display Poller Listing

The poller filter will be available to users in the monitoring consoles

The table below describes the access to the configuration generation:


Associated actions

Generate Configuration Files

Allows users to generate, test and export configuration to pollers and to restart the monitoring scheduler

Generate SNMP Trap configuration

Allows users to generate and export configuration of the SNMP traps for the Centreontrapd process on pollers and to restart this one

The table below describes all the actions that can be authorized on the scheduler:


Associated actions

Shutdown Monitoring Engine

Allows users to stop the monitoring systems

Restart Monitoring Engine

Allows users to restart the monitoring systems

Enable/Disable notifications

Allows users to enable or disable notifications

Enable/Disable service checks

Allows users to enable or disable service checks

Enable/Disable passive service checks

Allows users to enable or disable passive service checks

Enable/Disable passive host checks

Allows users to enable or disable passive host checks

Enable/Disable Event Handlers

Allows users to enable or disable event handlers

Enable/Disable Flap Detection

Allows users to enable or disable flap detection

Enable/Disable Obsessive service checks

Allows users to enable or disable obsessive service checks

Enable/Disable Obsessive host checks

Allows users to enable or disable obsessive host checks

Enable/Disable Performance Data

Allows users to enable or disable performance data processing

The table below describes all the actions that can be authorized on services:


Associated actions

Enable/Disable Checks for a service

Allows users to enable or disable checks of a service

Enable/Disable Notifications for a service

Allows users to enable or disable notifications of a service

Acknowledge a service

Allows users to acknowledge a service

Re-schedule the next check for a service

Allows users to re-schedule next check of a service

Re-schedule the next check for a service (Forced)

Allows users to re-schedule next check of a service by placing its priority to the top

Schedule downtime for a service

Allows users to schedule downtime on a service

Add/Delete a comment for a service

Allows users to add or delete a comment of a service

Enable/Disable Event Handler for a service

Allows users to enable or disable the event handler processing of a service

Allows users to enable or disable flap detection of a service

Allows users to enable or disable flap detection of a service

Enable/Disable passive checks of a service

Allows users to enable or disable passive checks of a service

Submit result for a service

Allows users to submit result to a service

Display executed command by

monitoring engine

Allow the display of the executed command for a service

The table below describes the all the actions that can be authorized on hosts:


Associated actions

Enable/Disable Checks for a host

Allows users to enable or disable checks of a host

Enable/Disable Notifications for a host

Allows users to enable or disable notifications of a host

Acknowledge a host

Allows users to acknowledge a host

Disaknowledge a host

Allows users to disacknowledge a host

Schedule the check for a host

Allows users to re-schedule next check of a host

Schedule the check for a host (Forced)

Allows users to re-schedule next check of a host by placing its priority to the top

Schedule downtime for a host

Allows users to schedule downtime on a host

Add/Delete a comment for a host

Allows users to add or delete a comment of a host

Enable/Disable Event Handler for a host

Allows users to enable or disable the event handler processing of a host

Enable/Disable Flap Detection for a host

Allows users to enable or disable flap detection of a host

Enable/Disable Checks services of a host

Allows users to enable or disable all service checks of a host

Enable/Disable Notifications services of a host

Allows users to enable or disable service notifications of a host

Submit result for a host

Allows users to submit result to a host

  • The Status field is used to enable or disable the filter

Reload ACL

It is possible of reload the ACLs manually:

  1. Go into the menu: Administration ==> ACL

  2. In the left menu, click on Reload ACL

  3. Select the user(s) you want to reload the ACL

  4. In the More actions menu, click on Reload ACL