


The availability reports of monitoring objects from Centreon web interface allows to display the availability rate about hosts, hostgroup or servicegroup on a selected period.


To access to availability reports:

  1. Go into the menu: Reporting > Dashboard

  2. In the left menu, click on Host

  3. Select defined host in Host list

  • The Reporting Period allows to select a predefined period or to define it manually using From to to fields.

  • The Host state table displays the availability rates of object.

  • The State Breakdowns For Host Services table displays the availability of linked objects.

  • The timeline allows you to see intuitively the status of the object in short time.


Moreover, clicking on a day in the timeline, you get the report of the day:


It is also possible to view web reports:

  • The groups of hosts: Click on Host Groups in the left menu

  • The groups of services: Click on Service Groups in the left menu


The export allows to export data into CSV file.


It is also possible to access to availability of a service by clicking on the service name in the host or servicegroup report.
