Configuration of the poller

Once the installation is completed, it is necessary to integrate this remote poller into the Centreon configuration.

  1. Go into the menu: Configuration > Pollers

  2. Duplicate the central server and edit it

  3. Change the following settings, and save:

  • Change the name of the Poller Name.

  • Enter the IP address of the poller in the IP Address field.

  • Enable the poller by clicking on Enabled in the Status field.

  1. Go into the Configuration > Pollers > Engine configuration menu

  2. Select your last added configuration.

  3. Change the following settings, and save:

  • In the Files tab:

    • Modify Configuration Name

    • Check that Linked poller is the previously created poller

    • Change if necessary the Timezone / Location

  • In the Data tab - Multiple Broker Module fields check / add the following entries:

    /usr/lib64/nagios/ /etc/centreon-broker/poller-module.xml

Centreon Broker configuration

It is necessary to generate a configuration file for Centreon Broker:

  1. Go into the menu: Configuration > Pollers > Broker configuration

  2. click on Add

  • In the General tab:

    • Select the Requester

    • Set Name of the configuration

    • Set Config file name ** that should be exactly the same as the one defined in Centreon Engine configuration, for example **poller-module.xml

    • Check the value No for the Link to cbd service option

  • In the Output tab:

    • Add a new TCP - IPv4 output

    • Set the Name

    • Set the distant TCP port, by default 5669

    • Set the IP address of the Centreon central server (Host to connect to)

  • Save the configuration

Centreontrapd Configuration

It is necessary to change the configuration files of Centreontrapd so that the service can question the SQLite database (see the chapter: SNMP traps).

Plugins synchronization

You can synchronize the plugins between your central server and your remote pollers using rsync software.


Don’t perform this action if your plugins depend on third party libraries that need to have been installed previously.

Exchanging SSH keys

For the central server to be able to export the configuration files of the monitoring engine, it is necessary to make a SSH key exchange between the central server and the new remote poller.

On the remote poller:

  1. Log in as a ‘root’

  2. Change the Centreon user password:

    # passwd centreon

On the central server:

  1. Log in as ‘Centreon’:

    # su - centreon
  2. If you have not already generated a public / private key pair, enter the following command (leave the default options):

    $ ssh-keygen
  3. Then export your SSH key to the remote poller:

    $ ssh-copy-id -i /var/spool/centreon/.ssh/ centreon@[POLLER_IP]
  4. Check that you can log in from the central server to the remote poller as a Centreon user. You can you use the command:

    $ ssh centreon@[POLLER_IP]

Export the configuration

The final step is to export the configuration to verify that the installation of the remote poller has been executed correctly.


Refer to the documentation: Export configuration