
This is a guide on improving Centreon’s performance


The database server is one of the central components of Centreon. Its performance has a direct impact on the end user application’s speed. Centreon uses two or three databases depending on your monitoring broker:

  • centreon – Storing metadata

  • centreon_storage – Real-time monitoring and history


Databases use indexes to speed up queries. In case indexes are missing queries are executed slower.

Synchronizing indexes

Starting with Centreon 2.4.0 for each release, index information files are generated. They are found in data folder usually located next to the bin or www folders. They are JSON files and there is one for each database:

  • centreonIndexes.json – Indexes for centreon database

  • centreonStorageIndexes.json – Indexes for centreon_storage database

  • centreonStatusIndexes.json – Indexes for centreon_status database

Check if your database is desynchronized:

$ ./import-mysql-indexes -d centreon -i ../data/centreonIndexes.json

If any differences are detected you can synchronize your database. The process usually takes several minutes BUT if your database contains a lot of data and no index exists the process may take up to 2 hours. Make sure you have enough free space on the disk because indexes may require a lot of space:

$ ./import-mysql-indexes -d centreon -i ../data/centreonIndexes.json -s


Indexes used by foreign keys cannot be synchronized.

-s or --sync options should be used in order to alter the database. If you need to specify the username and/or password you can use -u and -p options respectively.

InnoDB optimizations

This section is not documented yet.

Databases schema

Centreon database schema can be view here :


Centreon storage database schema can be view here :



RRDCacheD is a process to reduce disk I/O during the update of performance’s graphs and status’ graphs. The RRDCacheD process is loaded by the Centreon Broker module and mutualise I/O disques instead of recording one by one the data from the collect.


The RRDCacheD process is available in rrdtool package and already installed on your server.


Main settings

Edit the /etc/sysconfig/rrdcached file and complete information:

# Settings for rrdcached
OPTIONS="-m 664 -l unix:/var/rrdtool/rrdcached/rrdcached.sock -s rrdcached -b   /var/rrdtool/rrdcached -w 3600 -z 3600 -f 7200"


The order of setting is pretty important. If -m 664 is define before -l unix:/var/rrdtool/rrdcached/rrdcached.sock option then rights will be incorrect on socket.

Options are following one:




Data are written every x seconds on disk (3600s in example represent 1h)


Should be less than -w option. RRDCacheD uses a range value from [0:-z] to do not write in RRDs in same time.


Timeout in cache before write data to disk.


Please modify values with you needs.

Groups configuration

Create groups using commands:

# usermod -a -g rrdcached centreon-broker
# usermod -a -g rrdcached apache
# usermod -a -g centreon rrdcached
# usermod -a -g centreon-broker rrdcached

Restart Apache process:

# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Start RRDCacheD process:

# /etc/init.d/rrdcached start

Centreon web configuration

Go to Administration -> Options -> RRDTool menu, enable process and set unix socket path:



Instead of configuration was made into Administration you need to generate and export configuration of central server and restart cbd process to apply changes.



If the RRDCacheD process crash (in theory because it’s a stable process) data will be lost! It is not possible to get data unless rebuild all graphs from Centreon web.