

Open Source software supplied by Centreon is generally available in 4 formats:

  • ISO Linux based on CentOS v7 distribution (recommended)

  • RPM packages available for CentOS v6 and 7 distribution (recommended)

  • virtual machines, based on CentOS v6 and 7 distribution, with OVA format

  • Archives containing the sources

RPM packages and ISO linux are the best format to obtain our software. They are packaged by Centreon experts and relieve you of any concern over the installation process.


Centreon recommends using the Centreon packaged version. Installation is detailed in the chapter entitled: Using Centreon

If your platform does not support RPM packages, you should use archives containing the sources of stable versions of our software and install them manually. Manual compilation of some packages can be complex.

For downloading Centreon sources, please refer to our website.