Using Centreon packages


SELinux must be disabled. To do this, edit the file /etc/selinux/config and replace enforcing with disabled:



After saving the file, reboot your operating system to apply the changes.

Perform a quick check of SELinux status:

$ getenforce

Add firewall rules or disable the firewall by running the following commands:

# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld
# systemctl status firewalld

To install Centreon software from the repository, you should first install the centreon-release package, which will provide the repository file.

Centreon repository installation:

# yum install -y

The repository is now installed.

Run the following command:

# yum install centreon-poller-centreon-engine

Exchanging SSH Keys

Communication between a central server and a poller server is done through SSH.

You need to exchange SSH keys between the servers.

If you do not have any private SSH keys on the central server for the centreon user:

# su - centreon
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa


Hit enter when it prompts for a file to save the key to use the default location, or, create one in a specified directory. Leave the passphrase blank. You will receive a key fingerprint and a randomart image.

Generate a password for the centreon user on the new server:

# passwd centreon

Copy this key on to the new server:

# su - centreon
$ ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ centreon@IP_NEW_SERVER

Configuring a new poller in Centreon

As of Centreon version 18.10, a new wizard has been added for defining a new poller on the Centreon platform.


You also have the option of adding a new poller manually, but we recommend using the following procedure.

Go to the Configuration > Pollers menu and click on Add server with wizard to configure a new poller.

Select Add a Centreon Poller and click on Next:


Type in the name, the IP address of the poller and IP address of the Central Server. Click on Next:



The IP address of the poller is the IP address or the FQDN used to access this poller from the Central Server.

The IP address of the Central Server is the IP address or the FQDN used to access the Central Server from the poller.

If you want to link the poller to the Centreon Server, click on Apply:


Otherwise, if you want to link the poller to an existing Centreon Remote Server, select one from the list. Then click Apply:


If you want to change the direction of the flow between the Centreon Server (or the Remote Server and the Poller, check the Advanced: reverse Centreon Broker communication flow checkbox. In this case, it will be necessary to export the configuration of the collector as well as the server to which it will be attached.

In a few seconds the wizard will configure your new poller.


Go to the Quick Start chapter to configure your first monitoring.