Poller management

List available pollers

In order to list available pollers, use the POLLERLIST command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERLIST
1;Local Poller
2;Remote Poller

Generate local configuration files for a poller

In order to generate configuration files for poller “Local Poller” of id 1, use the POLLERGENERATE command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERGENERATE -v 1
Configuration files generated for poller 1

You can generate the configuration using the poller name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERGENERATE -v "Local Poller"
Configuration files generated for poller 'Local Poller'

Test monitoring engine configuration of a poller

In order to test configuration files for poller “Remote Poller” of id 2, use the POLLERTEST command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERTEST -v 1
OK: Nagios Poller 2 can restart without problem...

You can test the configuration using the poller name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERTEST -v "Local Poller"
Warning: Nagios Poller poller can restart but configuration is not optimal. Please see debug bellow :
[1440681047] [15559] Reading main configuration file '/usr/share/centreon//filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/nagiosCFG.DEBUG'.
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/hosts.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/hostTemplates.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/serviceTemplates.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/services.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/misccommands.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/checkcommands.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/contactgroups.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/contactTemplates.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/contacts.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/hostgroups.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/servicegroups.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/timeperiods.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/escalations.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/dependencies.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/connectors.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-command.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-contact.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-contactgroup.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-dependencies.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-escalations.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-host.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-services.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Processing object config file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/centreon-bam-timeperiod.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Reading resource file '/usr/share/centreon/filesGeneration/nagiosCFG/5/resource.cfg'
[1440681047] [15559] Checking global event handlers...
[1440681047] [15559] Checking obsessive compulsive processor commands...
[1440681047] [15559]
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 55 commands.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 connectors.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 7 contacts.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 host dependencies.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 host escalations.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 host groups.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 1 hosts.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 service dependencies.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 service escalations.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 0 service groups.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 1 services.
[1440681047] [15559] Checked 5 time periods.
[1440681047] [15559]
[1440681047] [15559] Total Warnings: 1
[1440681047] [15559] Total Errors:   0

Return code end : 0

Move monitoring engine configuration files

In order to move configuration files for poller “Local Poller” of id 1 to the final engine directory, use the CFGMOVE command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a CFGMOVE -v 2
OK: All configuration will be send to 'Remote Poller' by centcore in several minutes.
Return code end : 1

You can move the configuration files using the poller name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a CFGMOVE -v "Remote Poller"
OK: All configuration will be send to 'Remote Poller' by centcore in several minutes.
Return code end : 1

Restart monitoring engine of a poller

In order to restart the monitoring process on poller “Local Poller” of id 1, use the the POLLERRESTART command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERRESTART -v 2
OK: A restart signal has been sent to 'Remote Poller'
Return code end : 1

You can restart the poller using its name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u Remote Poller -p centreon -a POLLERRESTART -v "Remote Poller"
OK: A restart signal has been sent to 'Remote Poller'
Return code end : 1

All in one command

Use the APPLYCFG command in order to execute all of the above with one single command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a APPLYCFG -v 1

You can execute using the poller name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a APPLYCFG -v "Remote Poller"


Reload monitoring engine of a poller

In order to reload the monitoring process on poller “Remote Poller” of id 2, use the POLLERRELOAD command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERRELOAD -v 2
OK: A reload signal has been sent to Remote Pollerpoller'
Return code end : 1

You can reload poller using its name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLERRELOAD -v "Remote Poller"
OK: A reload signal has been sent to 'Remote Poller'
Return code end : 1

Execute post generation commands of a poller

In order to execute post generation commands of a poller, use the POLLEREXECCMD command:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLEREXECCMD -v 2
Running configuration check...done.
Reloading nagios configuration...done

You can execute post generation commands of a poller using its name:

[root@centreon core]# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -a POLLEREXECCMD -v "Remote Poller"
Running configuration check...done.
Reloading nagios configuration...done