Update centreon_storage.logs table


Some customers have reached the maximum number of records in the centreon_storage.logs table which currently can only contain 2 147 483 647 records (signed integer, count from 0).

Broker can therefore no longer add any elements to this table.


The purpose of this procedure is to allow the modification of the log_id column of the centreon_storage.logs table.

The easiest way to make this change would be to execute the following command directly on the table to change the type of the log_id column:


However, this operation would block the table during the modification and could take several hours before the end of the operation. Broker would be forced to retain and block the logs upload on the Centreon interface throughout the process.

Nevertheless, this option could be considered if the table contains only a few records (< 10 million).

For large volumes we have created a script allowing the migration of data by partition from the old table to the new one without service interruption.



Before starting to run the script, it is necessary to get root password of Centreon database.

Enable PHP on Centreon 19.10 (Centos7)

On the new version 19.10 of Centreon (Centos7), it is mandatory to enable PHP before running PHP scripts in command line.

Then, run the following command:

# scl enable rh-php72 bash


Functional diagram:


The update will proceed as follows:

  1. renaming the table centreon_storage.logs in centreon_storage.logs_old

  2. creating the new table centreon_storage.logs

  3. migration of data by partition


On regular installation of Centreon, the script is located here:

# usr/share/centreon/tools/update_centreon_storage_logs.php

Run in interactive mode (<10 million rows)

  1. go into the following folder : /usr/share/centreon/tools

  2. then, run the following script:

    # php update_centreon_storage_logs.php

Run in non-interactive mode (>10 million rows)

  1. go into the following folder : /usr/share/centreon/tools

  2. then, run the following script:

    # nohup php update_centreon_storage_logs.php --password=root_password [--keep |--no-keep] > update_logs.logs &


Run options:


root password of Centreon database (eg. –password=my_root_password).


keep data of old table to centreon_storage.logs_old.


remove progressively data from centreon_storage.logs_old during the migration to the new table centreon_storage.logs.


directory in which temporary files will be stored


If you decide to keep the data from the old centreon_storage.logs table, do not forget to check the available disk space.

Resuming migration

If, for any reason, you want to stop the migration script, know that it is possible to restart it so that it can resume where it was.


Recovery option:


This option is used to specify the resumption of migrations after an execution interruption.

If this option is specified, the structures of the centreon_storage.logs and centreon_storage.logs_old tables will not be affected.

For this there are two possibilities:

  1. y specifying the name of the last partition processed.

  2. Without specifying the name of the last partition processed, the script will use the first non-empty partition of

the centreon_storage.logs_old table.


Using the –continue option without specifying the name of the last partition being processed should only be used if you specified the –no-keep option the previous time the script was run.


# nohup php update_centreon_storage_logs.php --continue [--password=root_password]


# nohup php update_centreon_storage_logs.php --continue=last_partition_name [--password=root_password]


To find the name of the last partition processed, just look in the script processing logs for the name of the last partition being processed before the script was stopped.