Centreon 2.4.5

Important notes


You can now linked a command to a connector from the connector form in Configuration > Commands > Connectors.

Centreon Broker

Centreon 2.4.x branch is now compatible with Centreon Broker 2.5.x branch. Also several options have been added in Centreon Broker configuration form accessible in Configuration > Centreon > Configuration (Below Centreon-Broker label in the left panel). Here the new options:

  • “Write timestamp” in General tab: To enable or disable timestamp logging in each log line (disable this option is useful with when Centreon-Broker is used with Nagios)

  • “Write thread id” in General tab: To enable or disable thread id logging in each log line

  • “Write metrics” in Output tab with RRD - RRD file generator: To enable or disable the update of the performance graph

  • “Write status” in Output tab with RRD - RRD file generator: To enable or disable the update of the status graph

  • “Store performance data in data_bin” in Output tab with Storage - Perfdata Generator (Centreon Storage): To enable or disable insertion of performance data in data_bin table

  • “Insert in index data” in Output tab with Storage - Perfdata Generator (Centreon Storage): Allow Centreon-Broker to create entries in index_data table (use with caution)

Centreon 2.4.4

Important notes


It is now possible to set RRD graphs’ to “DERIVE” and “ABSOLUTE” type. In order to do so go to Administration > Options > CentStorage > Manage, then click on the metric you would like to update. In the “More actions” toolbar, you will now see the new data source types.

Monitoring consoles

A new option is available, allowing you to choose the display order of the monitored resources. The new option is available in Administration > Options, in the Problem display properties section.

Centreon 2.4.1

Important notes


If you are already using the Centreon Connectors, please note that the connector path is no longer called with user variable $USER3$. It is instead in the Configuration > Centreon > Pollers > Centreon Connector path. In that regard, be sure to fill this field and update the connector command line in Configuration > Commands > Connectors by removing the $USER3$ prefix.



should become:


Once you’re done with updating those configurations, you may delete the former $USER3$ as it will be no longer used.

Centreon 2.4

What’s new?

Better integration with Centreon Engine and Centreon Broker

The installation process has been reviewed: it is now possible to specify the monitoring engine (Centreon Engine or Nagios) and the event broker module (Centreon Broker or NDOUtils). All you need to do right after a fresh installation is export your configuration files, then reload your monitoring engine and the monitoring system should be up and running!

This version offers the possibility to define the connectors for Centreon Engine. Obviously, you do not need to configure these connectors if you are still using Nagios.

It’s been said that Centreon Broker can be cumbersome to configure, especially if you are not familiar with its functioning. Centreon 2.4 offers a configuration wizard now!

Custom views

This new page enables users to make their own views with various widgets and they are able to share their custom views with their colleagues!

See the user guide to learn more about this feature.

Support for multiple LDAP servers

The LDAP authentication system is much more robust than before. Indeed, it is now possible to have multiple LDAP configurations on top of the failover system. The LDAP import form will let you choose the LDAP server to import from.

Make sure that all your LDAP parameters are correctly imported after an upgrade.

New autologin mechanism

A better autologin mechanism has been introduced in this version. Now using randomly generated keys, it allows you to access specific pages without being prompted for a username and a password.

Database indexes verification tool

If you upgrade from an old version of Centreon, now you can check the existence of all database indexes to ensure maximum performance

Important notes


Communication with pollers

The default system user used by Centcore to communicate with pollers has changed from nagios to centreon.


For better performances, we advise you to use check_icmp instead of check_ping if you are in an IPv4 network, that is (check_icmp is not yet compatible with IPv6). Switching from check_ping to check_icmp should be quite simple as the plugins take the same parameters. All you have to do is change the check commands: check_centreon_ping, check_host_alive and all the commands that call check_ping.

Web interface


A new autologin mechanism has been added in Centreon 2.4. More secured than the previous one, it will soon replace it. If you currently use this feature, we recommend upgrading to the new one as soon as you can.

Centreon Broker init script

If you are using Centreon Broker, make sure to fill the Start script for broker daemon parameter in Administration > Options > Monitoring. RRD graphs cannot be rebuilt if this parameter is omitted!

Centcore options

Two parameters have been added into the Administration > Options > Monitoring page:

  • Enable Perfdata Synchronization (Centcore)

  • Enable Logs Synchronization (Centcore)

For performance issues, these options must be disabled if your monitoring system is running with Centreon Broker.

Resource.cfg and CGI.cfg

The resource and CGI configuration objects are now specific to each monitoring poller. The values of $USERx$ macros can be different from one poller to another.

Interval length

The interval_length is now a global parameter that you have to set in Administration > Options > Monitoring, although it should be left at 60 seconds in most cases.


Supported data source types

Centreon Broker now supports all of the RRDtool data source types (COUNTER, GAUGE, DERIVE and ABSOLUTE). This support will not be added to Centstorage as it will soon be replaced by Centreon Broker.

See the Centreon Broker documentation to learn how you can convert your existing plugins.