
Centreon Enterprise Server

Central server

To update the module, run the following command:

$ yum update centreon-auto-discovery-server

If an update is available, you will be asked for a confirmation. Just answer yes to the question.

Module update via Centreon’s web interface

Connect to Centreon’s web interface and go to Administration > Modules.

On the line corresponding to Centreon Auto Discovery, if a new icon appears right to the uninstall one (inside the Actions column), click on it to open the update form:


Then, click on the Upgrade button to update the module:


Once the operation done, click on the Back button:


The module is now updated:



If the Update icon remains after this operation, it means another update is available. Repeat the previous operation until the icon disappears.


If it is an update of a version <2.3 towards a version >= 2.4. Check if the variable ‘local_url’ is defined in the configuration file (‘/etc/centreon/centreon_autodisco.pm’).