
Centreon CLAPI aims to offer (almost) all the features that are available on the user interface in terms of configuration. When you install Centreon BAM, it adds some feature to the command line API (CLAPI) to manipulate Centreon BAM objects.

  • Add/Delete/Update Centreon BAM objects such as business view, business activity, KPI etc…

  • Centreon BAM objects can be exported/imported

Basic usage

All actions in Centreon CLAPI will require authentication, so your commands will always start like this:

# cd /usr/share/centreon/bin
# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon [...]

Obviously, the -u option is for the username and the -p option is for the password. The password can be in clear or the encrypted in the database.


If your passwords are encoded with SHA1 in database (MD5 by default), use the -s option:

# ./centreon -u admin -p centreon -s […]