Can i use a script to open a ticket automatically ?

In the current version of the module, no. But we think about it and in the future, it will be.

Can i close a ticket from centreon-web and it will be also closed in the ticketting system ?

Yes, if the provider had that capabilities. In the current version, you can only does if you use OTRS. You can enable it if you check the Close ticket attribute in your centreon-open-tickets rules.

Can i display open tickets history ?

Yes, goes to Monitoring > Event logs > Ticket Logs page.

How can i add service graphics in my ticket ?

Yes it can be if your ticketting system understand the html img tag.

To display the service graphics, we use Centreon autologin system. You can enable it in Administration > Parameters > Centreon UI with the checkbox Enable Autologin. The next step is to connect with a privileged user (with read access on services) and go in account page to generate an autologin key.

You can configure the Body list definition in your centreon-open-tickets rule and that 3 lines:

{assign var="centreon_url" value="localhost"}
{assign var="centreon_username" value="admin"}
{assign var="centreon_token" value="token"}
  • centreon_url : replace it by your centreon-web server address

  • centreon_username and centreon_token : replace it by the user and the token

The last step is to enabled (remove html comments) following lines in Formatting popup textarea (advanced tab):

    <td class="FormRowField" style="padding-left:15px;">Add graphs</td>
    <td class="FormRowValue" style="padding-left:15px;"><input type="checkbox" name="add_graph" value="1" /></td>