Centreon BAM 3.5.1

April 2017

  • CLAPI: Can now use the export feature.

  • CLAPI: No risk of adding the same KPIs to a BA.

  • Escalations are now functional.

  • Fixed: Rounding on the reporting pie chart now works.

  • The configuration mechanism now functions correctly when using correlation.

  • BA graphs can now be displayed when the user is linked to ACL group containing only BAs.

  • Fixed: Poller display works correctly.

Known bugs:

  • The script for rebuilding Centreon BAM statistics data is not fully operational with Centreon >= 2.8.5. After executing the script, be sure to reload Centreon Broker manually on your central server to start calculation.

  • Downtime inheritance does not function if the central poller (poller id > 1) has been deleted and recreated.

  • Poller display: Inheritance for planned downtime does not function.

  • Poller display: The configuration cannot be generated when using escalation on Centreon BAM and the poller display is installed.

  • Poller display: When no BA has been associated with a poller display, all BAs are displayed on the same poller. This causes the Centreon Broker BAM monitoring engine to show an error (generating .queue files).

  • Poller display: After updating Centreon BAM with the latest version, errors may appear in the Centreon Broker logs on the poller display concerning centreon.metrics (i.e., “centreon.metrics doesn’t exist”). To remedy this issue, fill in the “DB Storage Name” field by adding “centreon_storage” on the bam-monitoring output of your poller display and generate or deploy the configuration.